
Waiting List

Reserve Your Place

Register to be on the waiting list using the link in your decision letter .

That number depends on the number of students who join the waiting list by registering . If we do not hear from you, we'll assume that you've chosen to attend another school. Typically around 600-700 students join our waiting list.

We don't rank our waiting list. If we end up with unfilled spaces in the class, we will reevaluate our needs at that point and admit students who meet these needs. No two years are exactly alike when it comes to how the waiting list process goes.

In past years the number has ranged from as few as zero to as many as 40 students. But you cannot be admitted to W&L from the waiting list if you do not register .

There is a chance you will hear from us in late April, but most likely you will not hear from us until after May 1, which is the deadline for admitted students to reserve their places in the class. In the meantime, you should make plans to attend another college and reserve your place in its first-year class, since we cannot assure you that we'll admit any students from our waiting list.

We sound like a broken record, but we will only consider your application further if you communicate your desire to join our waiting list by registering for it through your account . Also, stay in touch with us over the coming weeks. Keep us informed of any changes to your record (awards you've won, grades you've earned, etc.), and feel free to communicate to us the depth of your interest in attending W&L. If we end up with room for more students, we will review your application again, and updates can be very helpful as we consider it further.

Reserve Your Place