
Good Nabors

Become a Good Nabor

The Nabors Service League is a student-run community service organization that strives to promote and encourage a spirit of service and to connect service with learning. In addition to connecting W&L students with local agencies through community wide service days, the NSL team sponsors Alternative Break Trips over Reading Days, Washington Break and Spring Break.  Members of the Good Nabors Program will work with the Nabors Service League to connect to service opportunities in the Rockbridge community and encourage a spirit of service among the first-year class.

Program participation, which builds year-on-year, leads to students developing the abilities to:

  • Comprehend poverty as a complex moral and social problem;
  • Collaborate respectfully with community-based partners or other appropriate actors to address problems associated with poverty and/or to promote human capability in ways that recognize the value of each person
  • Understand and implement strategies for mobilizing and supporting others to partner with diverse groups

Apply to Good Nabors