
James Lewis Howe Award

James Lewis Howe (1859-1955) was one of the most prominent faculty in Washington and Lee's long history. He was a Professor of Chemistry from 1894-1938 and University Historian from 1938 to 1955. He also served for ten years as Dean of the School of Applied Science. Howe Hall on campus is named for him. His academic papers reflect the diversity of his activities. There is much correspondence concerning his academic work and reflecting his active involvement in the American Chemical Society. This award is given to an outstanding senior chemistry or biochemistry major.

The American Institute of Chemists Foundation Student Award

Founded in 1923, the American Institute of Chemists has fostered the advancement of the chemical profession in the United States. This organization has a student award program to honor outstanding seniors majoring in chemistry and biochemistry. The awards are given in recognition of demonstrated ability, leadership, and professional promise.

ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award

The purpose of the award is to recognize achievement by undergraduate students in inorganic chemistry and to encourage further study in the field. The student nominee will have demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate level based on any combination of research, coursework, and /or motivation / interest / dedication and should have future plans that include a career in chemistry. It is given to an outstanding senior, based on performance in CHEM 250 and research in inorganic chemistry.

ACS Division of Physical Chemistry Undergraduate Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding achievement by undergraduate students in Physical Chemistry, and to encourage further pursuits in the field. The student will have demonstrated excellence in physical chemistry and related field based on research, coursework, and/or dedication as defined by the nominating institution. The student should be committed to a career in chemistry, broadly defined (e.g. research, education, industry, etc.).

Dr. Lindley Spaht Dodson Award in Chemistry or Biochemistry

The award carries with it a certificate and a medical school textbook gift from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The award recognizes a student with plans to attend medical school, with a particular focus on the area of pediatrics. The awardee should reflect Dr. Lindley Spaht Dodson's commitment to service and her commitment to positivity in her interactions with others.

Major Field Test

This award is given to the senior who had the top performance on the Major Field Test, a standardized test used to assess chemistry and biochemistry majors at the end of their senior year.

Outstanding Senior Awards in Chemistry & Biochemistry

These awards are for students who have excelled in academic performance, research, and/or service to the Department.

ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award

Since 1967, the American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry, has presented this undergraduate award to encourage student interest in analytical chemistry and to recognize students who display an aptitude for a career in the field. It is given to the student with the top performance in CHEM 211.

James Keith Shillington Scholarship

Established in 1988 by former students and friends of this distinguished professor of chemistry, is to be awarded to a rising junior at Washington and Lee who is a chemistry/biochemistry/chemical engineering major or has successfully completed organic chemistry at 六合厅开奖现场. Shillington Scholars will have shown strong academic promise in their first two undergraduate years and have as their goal a career in which the study of chemistry is a prerequisite. It is given to the sophomore with the top performance in CHEM 241 & 242. The amount of the award will be communicated with the student by the Financial Aid office.

POLYED Undergraduate Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry

An award for outstanding performance by an undergraduate chemistry major in the two-semester organic sequence is offered by POLYED. POLYED is a consortium of groups interested in science education in general and polymer education in particular. Membership is derived from the American Chemical Society Divisions of Polymer Chemistry (POLY) and Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE). Major support is derived from these divisions and approximately fifty industrial sponsors. The major purpose of POLYED is the nurturing of education at all levels, from kindergarten through post-graduate.

Mary Louise Reid White Scholarship in Chemistry

Established by Mrs. William George Brown (nee Isabelle White) in memory of her mother, is awarded for high attainments in chemistry. It is given to the student with the top performance in CHEM 110. The amount of the award will be communicated with the student by the Financial Aid office.

First-Year Chemistry Achievement Award

This award is given to a student with an outstanding performance CHEM 110.